
Minerality, salinity and freshness

The volcanic archipelago of the Aeolian Islands boasts ancient traditions in viticulture.

The islands were already known to early Phoenician travelers and Greek colonizers. Numerous archaeological findings of wine amphorae testify that wine has been a part of the culture of these places since ancient times.

The soil and climate conditions of Lipari allow for agriculture that is very respectful of nature, creating favorable conditions for organic farming.

The temperate and very windy climate is influenced by the sea, which plays an important mitigating role and increases the degree of atmospheric humidity. This is particularly prevalent on the Plain of Castellaro, where there is a significant temperature variation between day and night.

The volcanic soils are particularly fertile because they are rich in mineral elements, especially phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, and calcium.

Our land is without compromise and, combined with the passion of the men and women working in the vineyard, it nourishes every berry of our vine and inspires every bottle we produce.

The Vineyards of the Plain of Castellaro

On the Plain of Castellaro, at 350 meters above sea level, lie most of our vineyards, oriented northwest.

Overlooking Alicudi, Filicudi, and Salina islands, they grow on volcanic sandy soils that give our wines structure and longevity.

Malvasia delle Lipari and Corinto Nero, naturally acclimated in the distant past, are the main focus of the winegrowing, along with traditional Sicilian and international grape varieties: Nero d’Avola, Carricante, Moscato Bianco, Pinot Nero and Alicante mature undisturbed in total harmony with the sea breeze, the sun, and the wind.

Vigna Cappero

Vigna Cappero is a classic example of heroic viticulture, where 7,000 square meters of Malvasia delle Lipari and Corinto Nero are cultivated on terraces made of lava stone, supporting a soil of sand and pumice-based fragments.

Overlooking the Island of Vulcano and oriented southeast, Vigna Cappero is situated at 80 meters above sea level. Here, a warm, dry, and windy climate provides a perfect sugar content and an aromatic quality that allows our passito wine to fully express the intensity of this place.

Innovation and Centuries-Old Tradition

Innovation combined with tradition makes the perfect drying of the grapes possible: for fifteen days after harvest, the grape clusters are exposed to the sun on special wooden racks placed on movable structures.

The dark lava stone wall supporting this structure attracts and accumulates the heat released by the sun during the day, releasing it at night with the help of the sea breeze, while the grapes rest covered by cotton sheets.