Spring is in bloom!
Spring is in bloom! This is an essential stage in the life of a vineyard and we, like every day, are here to accompany and carefully follow the evolution of our vines and above all of the land that hosts them. The importance of the soil is fundamental for the health of any crop. Manual hoeing allows to obtain innumerable benefits such as the aeration of the soil which becomes softer and more permeable, allowing a better absorption of water, nutrients, heat, greater drainage capacity and last but not least, an ideal habitat for useful microorganisms.
We also have some welcome guests in our vineyard: the ladybirds! Considered as real champions in biological struggle, their very presence is an eloquent indicator of the healthiness of the places, since they are very sensitive to pollution and pesticides used in agriculture. Animals and plants live in symbiotic relationship, helping each other and performing fundamental functions for metabolism and defense from external attacks and our mission is to protect this symbiosis through organic farming practices.
A healthy vine and in perfect harmony with its environment, allows to obtain grapes that will give life to a good wine not only from an organoleptic point of view but above all from a health point of view.